Dark matter remains

Dark matter

The enigma of dark matter persists, as stated by Staff Writers in Braunschweig, Germany (SPX) on June 24th, 2023.

Dark matter - Figure 1
Photo www.spacedaily.com

When astronomers look up at the sky, they see evidence of something called "dark matter". This mysterious substance makes up over 80% of all matter, but we can only detect it through its gravitational effects on visible matter. We don't have any proof that it interacts with light particles, known as photons, which is why it's called "dark". Scientists still haven't figured out what dark matter is made of, or if it interacts with normal matter in ways that we don't yet understand. It's a big mystery that we're still trying to unravel!

One theory that shows great potential suggests that dark matter may contain particles that are very lightweight and behave like waves instead of single particles. In this case, the dark matter could be labeled as "ultralight". If this theory is valid, it could mean that the dark matter has weak interactions with photons, which may cause tiny fluctuations in the fine-structure constant. This constant is a natural property that measures the strength of the electromagnetic interaction.

Dark matter - Figure 2
Photo www.spacedaily.com

The measurement of atomic energy scales has an impact on the transition frequencies that atomic clocks use as points of reference. As certain transitions are more responsive to any potential shifts in the constant than others, individuals can compare atomic clocks to locate ultralight dark matter. To achieve this goal, PTB researchers employed an atomic clock with a heightened sensitivity to alterations in the fine-structure constant.

In order to achieve this goal, a highly sensitive atomic clock was compared to two other atomic clocks that had less sensitivity, and the comparison took several months to complete. The data collected from the measurements were analyzed to detect any oscillations that could indicate the presence of extremely lightweight dark matter. However, after reviewing the findings, it was concluded that the dark matter remained undetectable and unchanged.

Dark matter - Figure 3
Photo www.spacedaily.com

The discovery of the enigmatic dark matter was not accomplished. However, as there was no indication of it, researchers could establish new experimental boundaries for the potential connection between ultralight matter and photons. This enhanced the previous limits considerably across a broad spectrum.

The experts also investigated if there was a possibility for the fine-structure constant to alter gradually over time, either by rising or reducing. They did not observe any changes in the data. Furthermore, they made the current limits more strict, showing that the constant does not vary even after extended timeframes.

Unlike before, where each atomic clock had its own experimental system, a new study managed to use just one setup to test two of the three atomic clocks. They achieved this by utilizing two distinct transition frequencies of a single trapped ion, which was alternately tested on both optical transitions. This achievement is significant because it paves the way for more compact and reliable optical frequency comparisons, particularly for upcoming missions that will search for dark matter in space.

Dark matter - Figure 4
Photo www.spacedaily.com

Blog post: Enhancing Restrictions on the Association of Light-weight Bosonic Shadowy Content to Light Emitted Diodes by means of Different Optical Timepieces Comparison.

Check out these helpful links: the National Metrology Institute and fascinating information about stellar chemistry and the universe's mysteries all within it.

Scientists at the University of Toronto have made a significant discovery regarding the phenomenon of dark matter and its relationship with the structure of the universe. The team has published a paper in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, revealing a theoretical breakthrough that could unlock new insights into the nature of this invisible material and the cosmic web - the large-scale structure of the universe. Their research establishes a connection between two longstanding issues in the field of astronomy, offering exciting new avenues for exploring the mysteries of the cosmos. Specifically, the team's work addresses the "clumpiness problem," which relates to unresolved aspects of the cosmic web's formation and composition.

Dark matter - Figure 5
Photo www.spacedaily.com

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Dark matter - Figure 6
Photo www.spacedaily.com
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