Porsche EBikes Match 911, Taycan Colors For Purists

Electric bicycle

Porsche has been making eBikes for a while now. They teamed up with Rotwild but now they're selling their own cycles. They come in bright colors like the Taycan and 911. The bikes have Shimano drivetrain and Fox adjustable dampers.

The blog doesn't mention the main drive motor's wattage or how far the bike can go. But, the battery available can produce around 62 ft-lbs of torque for a long time. There are many frame sizes to choose from. The smallest size has a 504 Wh battery which is still a good amount of energy.

The bikes are new and have cool colors. The colors include Ruby Star Neo, Mamba Green Metallic, Carmine Red, and Shark Blue. These same colors are also available on Porsche cars. This means you can match your bike to your car.

The eBike has an info display, phone connection, and head & tail light. There's various trims for different types of biking. And it's branded with the Porsche name.

The new cycles of the automaker are not priced yet. The current cost of the cycles is approximately $12,000.

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