Elon Musk v Mark Zuckerberg: Tech leaders' fight to be streamed on X

Elon Musk

Elon Musk has announced that his social networking site will broadcast in real-time his clash with rival Mark Zuckerberg.

The individual, aged 52, who possesses X (previously recognized as Twitter), disclosed earlier this year that he, along with Zuckerberg, aged 39, who oversees the Meta consortium of platforms comprising Facebook, plans to engage in a charitable cage match.

On the morning of Sunday, Musk announced that the event would be broadcasted live on X and the funds generated would be donated to a charitable organization supporting veterans.

He additionally mentioned that he is "engaging in weightlifting throughout the day in anticipation of the upcoming battle", and further remarked: "I am unable to find time to exercise, thus I bring the weights along with me to my workplace."

A footage depicting Musk effortlessly lifting weights within the confines of his well-positioned office in San Francisco was showcased.

Both individuals have been playfully taunting one another about the upcoming altercation, which has not yet been officially confirmed.

Musk referred to the confrontation as "a sophisticated version of conflict", later mentioning that "males have a fondness for battles", when inquired about the purpose of the match.

They both decided to battle it out in June, after the wealthy Tesla CEO expressed his willingness to engage in a cage match with Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder, who responded by saying, "Tell me where to go."

Musk retaliated by saying, "The arena in Las Vegas."

Musk, who successfully finalized the acquisition of Twitter for $44 billion (£35 billion) last October, playfully mentioned: "I possess this incredibly effective technique called 'The Walrus', wherein I simply recline over my adversary and remain motionless."

He additionally shared: "Rarely do I engage in physical exercises, except when I lift my children and toss them up high."

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On the contrary, Zuckerberg achieved gold and silver medals in his inaugural jiu-jitsu competition just a month ago.

Recently, Meta and X have been engaged in a heated competition, with Meta unveiling a competing platform called Threads. This new release experienced significant expansion right from the start, further intensifying the battle between the two companies.

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Musk issued a legal warning to Zuckerberg's Meta, alleging that X was unlawfully replicated.

In addition to his series of late-night cross-postings, Musk made a promise to cover the expenses related to legal matters for individuals who encountered difficulties at their jobs because of their actions on his platform.

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