Tomorrow is Pumpkin Spice Donut Day for Your Dog at Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme

Who's been a well-behaved canine?

If your beloved pet has been exceptionally well-behaved recently, you might consider accompanying them to Krispy Kreme tomorrow!

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Tomorrow, which falls on Saturday, August 26, 2023, marks the esteemed occasion of National Dog Day. To commemorate this special day, Krispy Kreme has introduced a delectable range of pumpkin spice donuts exclusively crafted for your beloved canine companions.

Indeed, I mentioned that Doggie Doughnuts are currently available for purchase.

Celebrate National Dog Day, which falls on August 26th, by indulging your furry family member in a delightful experience with Pup’kin Spice Doggie Doughnuts. These specially crafted treats, made for dogs of any age or size, will be obtainable at select locations starting on Saturday Aug. 26 while stocks last.

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Just remember, you're not allowed to bring your dog inside your nearby Krispy Kreme store, but you can always use the drive-thru as a wonderful alternative!

Additionally, during your visit, you have the opportunity to obtain an exclusive canine scarf, only available for a limited time!

Enhance your delightful experience with the ideal add-on - a special edition Krispy Kreme canine scarf obtainable in two shades. These dog scarves are designed to fit most dogs and will be accessible at select places until stocks last.

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Save the date - don't forget, Saturday, August 26th is the perfect time to indulge in some delightful dog-shaped donuts at Krispy Kreme!

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