Low Code No Code Trends

Low-code development platform

Coding is popular, but it needs specialized knowledge. Yet, now we have Low-Code/No-Code (LC/NC) platforms, which make web and app development easier for people. With these platforms, you only need to drag and drop components on the interface, then link them to make your applications.

These are big trends about LC/NC. People have strong feelings about it. The first trend is that there is a growing interest in LC/NC. The second trend is that people are worried about privacy issues. The third trend is that NC/LC can have a positive impact on the environment. The fourth trend is that some people feel like they are missing out on social interaction because of LC/NC. Overall, LC/NC is a big topic with many important trends and concerns.

Low-Code Solutions: The Core Of Technology

Tech leaders used to think LC/NC tools were just extras for their business, but that's changing. COVID-19 made some companies change how they work.

In 2022, Mendix said that 94% of companies used Low-Code solutions. It's up from 77% in 2021. A lot of people surveyed said Low-Code solutions helped them during the pandemic. And now, they think it's an essential part of their business model.

Half the people believe Low-Code products can help with IT department issues. Almost half say they can support production engineering needs. 40% of respondents already use Low-Code platforms for important tasks. Experts predict that 63% of app development will happen through Low-Code platforms.

These platforms help company leaders. Mendix survey found that 63% used them for logistics, supply chains, and transportation. Retailers used them for 32% curbside shopping pickups. Public sector respondents mentioned better planning, resource management, and service access.

When using Low-Code products, problems may arise that are not caused by the products themselves. Many people (about one-third) get annoyed by their company's outdated systems. This is why 39% want assurance that Low-Code products will work with these systems before using them. This is a wise approach since Low-Code is a new technology. By making sure it integrates well with older systems, surprises can be avoided.

Some people haven't tried Low-Code solutions, but more and more people are starting to use them. As adoption rates increase, people who were hesitant before will likely feel more comfortable trying it out.

"LC/NC: An Alternative To Hiring Developers"

Companies sometimes struggle to hire developers because they are so sought after. This can be a challenge if there aren't many developers available or if they have many job options. As a result, businesses often need to devote a lot of time and energy to recruiting talented developers.

Looking at a 2023 study on developers and job market, it found that 53% of them found salary to be the most important factor. 38% respondents prioritized having a good work-life balance, and 28% wanted remote work option.

Over half of developers will change jobs soon. Almost 70% want more money. This means managers can't expect developers to stay forever. Developers are needed, so they can choose where to work.

23% of tech recruiters want to employ 50 developers this year. 42% think developer retention is important by 2023, and 46% will have more money than last year. But not everyone will find all the developers they require, they can use LC/NC platforms to help.

An LC/NC tool won't replace developers, but it can help meet business needs. It can also fill gaps while hiring. Companies can be more responsive to changes in the market. This makes them faster and more adaptable.

"Great Choice For Small Businesses"

Small business owners deal with unique obstacles when it comes to resources and growth. LC/NC platforms have the potential to make a difference and some analysts agree.

Coding has changed before, like with object-oriented programming in the 80s. Needs in the 90s and 2000s required different code. Companies need to change to be competitive. Smaller companies find it harder to change.

Small and medium-sized businesses need LC/NC tools to adapt and use their tech. This is what an Accenture report says. The report talks about Shopify. It helped businesses during COVID-19 when stores were closed. The report thinks that LC/NC tools will help businesses just as much, or even more.

The report said 70% of small businesses around the world are trying to digitize more. They use Low-Code/No-Code tools to help. Also, 1 in 5 small or mid-sized businesses started looking for LC/NC platforms because it's hard to find workers who are good with digital stuff.

Almost half of the people surveyed think big IT solutions don't work for them. This is because the providers don't understand their problems. Small businesses choosing LC/NC show this. If the big solutions don't work, people will try something else.

"Using LC/NC To Transform Shadow IT"

People use IT products without work approval is shadow IT. Many experts think it's a big deal. In 2022, a study found 69% of tech bosses are worried about shadow IT when adopting cloud or Software-as-a-Service tools. Also, 52% of those surveyed said workers buy apps for work without IT knowing.

Some people think shadow IT can be useful with LC/NC apps. McKinsey wrote that using Low-Code/No-Code tools can help teams work together and make things faster. It can help businesses be more innovative.

The report gave out three ways to achieve the aims.

Lots of folks use shadow IT products cause the stuff they're allowed to use doesn't do everything they want. They don't know they're doing something wrong and are just trying to get stuff done.

To improve employee product usage, IT leaders should ask for feedback. They can use a Low-Code or No-Code platform to fix any issues. These tools make it faster to equip employees than traditional methods.

"A Rise In LC/NC Conversations Among Company Reps"

It's important for business leaders to know about the benefits of Low-Code and No-Code tech. A report predicts more talk about LC/NC in companies by 2023.

The talks increased by 18% in 2022 compared to 2021. These discussions are important because they help decision makers decide whether or not to pursue opportunities.

Many software companies want to use LC/NC tools to reach goals quickly. Business leaders have to stay alert to industry changes and react fast. Waiting too long can make it hard to catch up with competitors.

Companies benefit from having people who support LC/NC products. People don't always like change, even if it's good. But if someone they trust tells them to try LC/NC products, they'll be more open to the idea.

The Significance Of Low-Code/No-Code Trends

Low-Code and No-Code platforms are changing all the time, and people's thoughts about them are too. We'll see how they develop over the coming months and years. The five trends here are important because they show us what's going on now. Even if things change later, these patterns will still be important. They'll probably shape what happens next.

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