The Status of Customer Engagement: Advancements, Tasks to Accomplish, and a Tenuous Equilibrium


If you frequently read my blogs on Forbes, you might have figured out that I quite enjoy conducting research, especially research that involves tracking changes over time.

I came across a particular study that piqued my interest, which is the fourth edition of Twilio's State of Customer Engagement Report published in late March.

Twilio carried out the investigation by collecting opinions from over 4,700 business-to-consumer executives from different industries worldwide. Additionally, they also obtained feedback from more than 6,000 consumers globally and utilized data from their own customer engagement and data systems.

Upon careful examination of the study, I have identified three recurring themes that caught my attention:

Improvement: Investment in digital customer engagement rose in the past year and is yielding substantial profits.

The Need to Deliver Personalized Customer Experiences: Why Brands Are Falling Short Despite Their Efforts.

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Navigating the Tricky Terrain of Data Privacy, Transparency, and Security: Prioritizing Consumer Concerns for Developing Strong and Trusting Brand-Customer Relationships.

I'm not sure about you, but those three topics evoke various emotions in me.

I am encouraged to see the dedication of brands in investing in the digital customer experience. It is promising to witness the advancements made by the leaders as well as the positive outcomes they are achieving.

On the flip side, it's quite disheartening to see how brands are falling short when it comes to fulfilling customers' desires for personalized experiences while also addressing their worries about data, privacy, and security.

These worries are becoming constant issues.

This is concerning and indicates that a lot of companies are either indifferent or not taking prompt enough action on these matters.

The issue at hand is that customers are displaying indications of growing impatience when it comes to these concerns.

Furthermore, according to the study, their tolerance has a limit and won't endure endlessly.

The brands that take action on these problems before anyone else are expected to gain the favor, trust, and backing of consumers very soon.

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