The Origin Of "doughnut" Without Nuts - Revealed!

National Donut Day

Lisa Lim talks about the importance of language. She says that language is more than just a tool to communicate. It carries culture, history, and identity. When a language dies, a part of the culture and identity associated with it dies too. She encourages people to embrace and preserve their native language. This helps to keep the culture and identity alive. It also promotes diversity and understanding between different cultures. Language matters, and it should be valued and celebrated.

The Origin Of 'doughnut' And Why It's Called So, Minus The Nuts

"Doughnut's Nutty Origins & National Day Celebrations"

Blog section rewritten in free English: Blog post published on May 30, 2023, at 4:45am.

The blog was updated on May 30th, 2023 at 5:44am.

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