Beeple Says It's Time to Delete Your JPEGs—Here's Why

Non-fungible token

Crypto art fans who are truly devoted were delighted by what happened on Thursday, which reminded them of the exciting times during the NFT craze in 2021. One specific piece of generative NFT art created by Dmitri Cherniak, titled "The Goose," was sold for a staggering $6.2 million at a Sotheby's auction. In addition to that artwork, other on-chain pieces were also auctioned off and managed to bring in another $4.7 million from enthusiastic buyers.

Similar to other patterns in the world of cryptocurrency, the joyous atmosphere created by the highly successful transaction did not last long, at least not for everyone.

After an article from ARTnews proposed that the auction could signify the end of the NFT market, important digital artists and collectors, such as Mike "Beeple" Winkelmann, used Twitter to mockingly entertain the idea.

???? Kindly remove any outstanding jpgs before 5pm EST today. ????

We want to express our gratitude to all of you who participated in our peculiar and insignificant endeavor!! We had a good time, and even managed to sell some images of monkeys. It has been quite an experience, but it's evident that this is the conclusion of it! ????????????

"I can't believe it's already been two years since I started my daily art project! It's been an incredible journey and I'm so grateful for all the support and encouragement from my followers. Here's to many more years of creating and sharing my art with the world." - beeple (@beeple) on June 16, 2023 Wow, it's amazing to think that two whole years have passed since I began my daily art project. This experience has been nothing short of extraordinary and I'm incredibly appreciative of all the love and motivation my followers have given me. Here's to continuing to craft and disseminate my artistic creations for many more years to come!

Beeple, the artist who made the most expensive NFT sale ever, wrote a message requesting the removal of all remaining jpegs before 5pm EST. In addition, he expressed gratitude to everyone who participated in their frivolous little game!

Beeple continued to talk: "We enjoyed ourselves, made some revenue from selling monkey images,” he stated. “It has been a tremendous journey, my friends, but it is evident that this is the conclusion!!!"

The remarks referred to people who criticize NFT art. These individuals believe that certain high-value PFP collections, like the Bored Ape Yacht Club, which are typically crafted by corporations and viewed as financial status symbols by collectors, don't qualify as true art. Such critics view the entire NFT art industry as a temporary trend centered around making money, that has already peaked and is on the decline.

People who support digital art, such as the anonymous NFT collector known as 6529, who purchased a piece titled "Goose" for over $6 million, challenged recent criticism by highlighting the intricacies and skill involved in creating generative art supported by blockchain technology.

Pieces of art such as "The Goose," also known as Ringers #879 on Art Blocks, only come into existence when they are minted as NFTs. Although an artist may input certain limits into the code that defines the art's appearance, the actual result is always randomized during the minting process.

6259 stated that creating longform generative art on the blockchain requires trust and belief from the artist and the minter. Once the algorithm is recorded on the blockchain, there is no way to predict the results it will create. 'The Goose' exemplifies this idea better than any other generative NFT.

On the Goose refers to someone who is being very successful or fortunate in their endeavors. 2/ He's really been on the goose lately; every project he takes on seems to be a huge success. he's been having a lot of good luck recently; every task he attempts has been a huge triumph.

I am planning to cater to various groups of people ranging from novices to experts, so please be patient with me (as some information might seem elementary to some of you).

Rewritten: On June 16, 2023, a Twitter user with the handle "@punk6529" posted a blog section that needs to be rephrased in freestyle English using alternative terms.

The collector was unable to avoid making a comment about the negative publicity surrounding their significant purchase.

"After purchasing the final set of NFTs, we will deactivate the blockchain by turning off its power source and permanently leave." was the message conveyed.

Even though the lasting negative effects of the current cryptocurrency market downturn have affected the median prices of NFTs, the overall trading volume for NFTs in 2022 remained the same as the previous year, approximately $25 billion. Nonetheless, the recent months have seen a noticeable decline in the level of NFT market activity.

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