Next-gen Nuclear Reactors: POWER Meets European Group

Nuclear reactor

New companies are joining the nuclear power sector. They're working on innovative designs and fuels to improve the industry. This is because of advancements in technology.

Nuclear reactor - Figure 1

Newcleo is a company from the UK. They also have bases in Italy and France. They started in 2021. They announced in March they wanted to raise €1 billion. Before they asked for €400 million.

On May 15, the company said it will invest €3 billion into small modular reactors by 2030 in France. The announcement was made at a summit in Versailles.

Stefano Buono founded newcleo. He is a physicist from Turin, Italy. Buono's group uses the Superphénix fast-breeder reactor. It was abandoned by the French government over 25 years ago. The reactor faced various issues. These issues include its cost and opposition from environmentalists in the government of then-prime minister Lionel Jospin.

Newcleo has experienced people from the nuclear power industry, like Luciano Cinotti, a scientific director who worked on the Superphénix. They want to make it simpler by creating small reactors with molten lead, instead of sodium. Sodium caused issues with the old French reactor, catching fire with air or water.

Earlier this year, newcleo made a deal with Enel Group to collaborate on Gen-IV nuclear technology. Enel will offer its personnel expertise to newcleo. In return, newcleo will give Enel the option to invest in their initial nuclear power plant.

They want to create a 30-MWe lead-cooled fast reactor and have it ready to use in France in 2030. After that, they plan to create a 200-MWe commercial reactor for the UK.

The company will invest in a mixed uranium/plutonium oxide plant. This will help fuel its reactors with nuclear waste.

Buono, the CEO of newcleo, shared info about its technology and future projects with POWER. They plan to make Gen-IV reactors and produce MOX fuel.

What makes lead-cooled fast reactors unique compared to other nuclear reactors? It's their POWER. These reactors use a coolant made of liquid lead which allows them to operate at higher temperatures. This results in higher thermal efficiency and energy output. Lead-cooled fast reactors also have a higher degree of safety. If there is a power loss, the coolant will solidify, creating a natural barrier that prevents the fuel from melting. Additionally, these reactors have a smaller footprint and generate less waste than traditional nuclear reactors. Overall, the power and safety advantages of lead-cooled fast reactors make them a promising option for the future of nuclear energy.

Nuclear reactor - Figure 2

LFRs are different from regular nuclear reactors because they use fast neutron spectrum. This means they can get more energy from natural uranium, needing less mining and better waste management.

Lead has many other properties. It is easy to find and not expensive. It can handle high heat and doesn't react with fuel, air, or water. Lead can also protect against radiation which is good for safety and cost.

Do you want to know about nuclear power? Come to POWER’s Experience POWER Week from Aug. 14-17 in Savannah, GA. You can learn about small modular reactors and new fuels. Register now!

How will your group make radioactive waste recycling for fuel work?

Good: We have a plan that will make the most of uranium by effectively using nuclear waste. This will help to extend the lifecycle of uranium.

We want to make Generation IV reactors. We also plan to invest in MOX fuel manufacturing. MOX is made from plutonium from used reactor fuel and uranium. MOX can power our reactors. Using reprocessing with this approach reduces high-level waste. This means less waste going to geological repositories. Plus, we can use existing waste material for power for many years. This will help in important markets.

Can your technology help achieve energy independence? How will it contribute to the reduction of reliance on traditional power sources? What steps are you taking to ensure energy efficiency and sustainability? Will your technology have a positive impact on the environment? What incentives or benefits does your technology offer users who want to go green?

Nuclear is a good clean energy option. It has a small impact and uses fewer resources. It produces no CO2 or pollution. It's reliable and has high capacity.

We want to use fuel from countries with good nuclear power systems to power our reactors. This will help us be more independent and we won't have to import as much fuel.

Nuclear reactor - Figure 3

Our goal is to make nuclear energy more eco-friendly and secure. Our advanced reactor technology can transform nuclear waste into energy. This helps us create electricity without harming the environment.

A lot of companies are working on small modular reactors. Your group is aiming to have a precursor by 2026, which is a shorter timeline than others. Do you think newcleo can achieve this goal?

We are a nuclear energy company. We are not alone in the industry. We have money and experience. We can be a leader. We want to share our tech ASAP. We have 200+ workers. They are smart scientists and engineers. They know a lot. They think of new ideas.

We plan to release the precursor in 2026. A non-nuclear prototype will be made in Italy. Next up is the MINI Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (30MWe) in 2030, in France. This will be both a testing reactor and a demonstrator. The SMALL Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (200 MWe) will be our first commercial unit and will be introduced in the UK by 2032.

Will your SMR be used in places with power lines already, or for small, faraway areas?

We think we need both types of application. Our plants will be designed to be flexible. They can be used for SMRs in a multi-module plant or a single module for industrial uses.

Our AS (Amphora Shaped) design can be used as a single or multi-module plant. It can work well in different locations, taking advantage of the specific features of the site and infrastructure available.

We're also developing a TL design, which is like a nuclear battery. It can go up to 10 years without refueling or maintenance. It can even be used for moving ships.

Some people don't like nuclear power because of radioactive waste. How does your technology fix this problem? Can you explain it to those who are worried about it?

The nuclear industry takes full responsibility for its byproducts. The fission reaction produces little waste compared to the amount of electricity generated.

Our technology is a solution for those worried about disposing of nuclear waste. Conventional reactors produce waste that requires safe storage. Our fast reactor turns existing plutonium and uranium into energy, without needing to mine for new resources.

Our idea is to make energy without adding to the stockpile of nuclear waste that would be costly and require more uranium.

The new nuclear energy will be safer and cleaner. It can help decrease carbon globally. We can manage waste creatively. This gives us hope for a future without carbon.

Darrell Proctor edits for POWER magazine.

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